NOTE: some maintenance work is being done, for now only 774 questions are available. it will expand over the next few months back to the total count of 1667
maybe i could live in a box mansion and get the best of both worlds. would that be ok?
the answer to this question
i've never seen a movie on valentines day. if i would, i might want to see the truman show, but a valentines special.
maybe that's true. is being nice to people so they treat you nice back an evil thing?
you just have to remember to defend yourself when around people.
i miss college a little bit. not the part where i would've had to re-take calculus 2 or take whatever was after that, but all the silly stuff we did. when i deleted snapchat, i downloaded all my files and have a really good photo library (offline, ~120gb, it spans my entire life). i look back sometimes at us. it makes me smile. feel free to call my phone on weekends whenever, those are the best times to catch me.
probably a musical one. as they usually are.
to receive answers
cat would love this question. let me ask them.
they said "salmon!!" and i would agree
i did a lot of stuff in 2020 but those were behind my own closed doors
i use arch btw
mac os
no you're the waitee
they probably are different words
this is not a question. you should send the results to me and timmy
the standard starting dose
i'm not sure if i am capable of that at all, to be honest.
thanks for reminding me that the bot is still running. all it does is handle the /paint
command and generate a new discord role with the desired color. not much else to explain.
can i eat it?
i guess you could print it out and eat it up. that could be allowed.
i forgot to do so many things this month but i also did a bunch of very nice things this month. it is a bit scary how the time just flies these days.
the question council can decide this one.
walk or fly around, don't be scared. talk to people.
it's kind of hard for me to answer this reasonably because so many of my friendships and involvement in friend groups happened by accident. a couple months after moving, i sort of accidentally infiltrated a nearby university cs discord server, and ended up becoming very great friends with people there, to the point some assumed i actually went to the university.
they would probably be lying, but if it was true then yes.
it's pretty reasonable i would say.
let me see what i can do about it
just put yourself in the shoes of someone, and then realize that you can walk anywhere. but also realize everyone else is walking around too, and that it's more satisfying to walk around with friends.
not neccecarily, i went to CVS seems to be the highlight of that month. i also went to an art mueseum.
maybe you had a different life.
not neccecarily but i do recommend Zig as a language for writing software in which you are very concious about memory layout. as in, where the bytes are. it's very satysfying to get the memory work done right but it isnt the easiest to learn. just do it a bunch.
rust is also great but instead of thinking about memory layout, they have you think more so about ownership of a structure. they provide so many compiler checks to make sure you follow a very carefully crafted set of memory ownership rules.
havent read books in a long time. the internet is a great resource.
ideally, to connect with people.
maybe on the millionth page of results.
i'd been slowly playing around with the idea of acting as a female character in the storytelling/poem videos and there was something about it that felt so cool and so every so often i tried something. then i moved to my own apartment where i had complete privacy with myself, and from there i kept doing that but didn't think much of it. and then in may 2024 it hit me and i was like hollyyyy shit and then around august i realized the feelings truly went back to 2022 or maybe even earlier. i just had built a really good self defense layer to keep me from being sad about it, but that's gone now. but it's ok, since i am a girl now.
i recently used my non rpi device (NAS) at home to run a git server. it is much nicer to use than github, especially when you're connected directly to the network cable. though this wont be well on an rpi if you do not have a real hard drive on it.
you could run a dns server like which has some fun stuff i set up on my local network. this thing is also specifically designed with rpi in mind.
probably a combination of reasonable quanities.
not strictly. i've used software that are sort of fake 8-bit because its not eight bits but just the classic sounds. if you go back to the 2017-2019 era i have a few music files that are worth viewing.
you can make the waves any size (i assume?) so it really gives you the power to make anything. it could be music, it could be other sounds. the limit does not exist.
there's different kinds of perfection, and different ways to survive. it really depends on what makes the "something" (perhaps "someone") happy.
a much, much more interesting job. i work at bun mostly because it's extremely interesting.
open and fuck around more often. i need to get better at this too.
i think the 30 because the only time i've been on it was an accident and i still got to the place i wanted to go.
what i notice happens alot in my song writing is the raw # of things may be dozens of minutes long, but it's vertical: theyre all ideas for the same part of the song. it's pretty hard for me right now to horizontally go past 4 minutes.
longer and cooler...what chloe wrote is good
Then bill does this thing called superchorus (not just bill but that's where i read it)
there's experiments you can do with instrumental parts, maybe sound effects, or put effects on your voice
You can put in a spoken part too, like a poem or a phone call
i think it would be interesting to combine two song projects where one has far too much written and one only has a line or two written.
not really a regular chord progression but the progression that the synths in mystery of life's second verse and chrous.
it's nice to have all of everything kind of organized, i can pull up and show the chords here again:
yes but i don't think i'm ready for that. but if you want, emailing literally any address at this domain gets you to my inbox.
something ive been messing around in new writings have been to just fly. be completely free. the goal is to make it impossible to categorize the song into distinct pieces, and just let yourself flow around. for longer things you want to have deep changes throughout but still follow a central theme. i have a couple song projects that have very little structure, but they're not very long. ugh! it's extremely hard to define but the more examples you see the better!! check out 24 hours from 10cc and close to the edge from yes. watch the variation and the storytelling.
i get that the normal idea would be not to tell a girl to lower her voice but also i feel like we are treating a superpower as a curse. well it is a curse, but with enough practice, i should be able to get an absurdly wide range of ways to sing. the game is control.
sometime later i want to pull off covering a song that's a duet. and i sing both the male and female parts. so far the hard part is distancing both voices, which i think i can do better if i practice voice feminization more.
i forgive you. non questions are secretly okay if i have something to comment on, but that's rarely the case (everyone, please send questions, not non-questions). i had a moment where i called the page input and output, thinking it was genious to expand the scope. but in reality, there isnt anything to say when the input is a statement. its like a SSSniperWolf reaction. like, what am i doing here.
they sent a question apologizing for this (funnily enough within an hour of this one being sent). i don't think i even noticed, instead thinking it was referring to someone else. i didn't post that one on this page because it wasn't really a question (i accept the apology though, thanks!!). i've been getting a few non-questions recently and i think the amount of non-questions bothers me more than misgendering.
i've tried both strategies and they both have interesting results. after i work through some things i'm going to give the entire album a re-record, emphasis on getting vocals done more so than anything else. if we are optimistic, that will be done by feburary or march. if i include a music video or two, maybe its halfway thru the year. idk. i don't want to spend years on one song anymore.
currently, voice fem is hard for me to keep up for an extended amount of time. at work, i do not use it at all (i also forget to).
i was fine yesterday and i'll be fine tomorrow but today is extremely rough for no good reason.
the thing about some comments is they are true, but also i don't know what you mean by misgendering me. those questions dont get published. and if its before the new year then i've replaced them all with a censor. if its after i probably just wont respond to it, but i really haven't gotten any of those. people, even in my family and in the workplace, are all really nice.
i'm glad you see it this way but i think i can do just a tiny tiny bit better but i am also happy with it too.
to disconnect the art from the artist.
i think they are right there but also i haven't checked so they might be missing. i miss g.
i'm not sure. i used to get sad and not really know the reason. it's anoying not to know, but it gets better eventually. if you ever meet me in person, feel free to ask for a hug.
"their differences are normal and to be expected" is what i would say.
i'm not sure if that's up to me to decide.
for other readers: this was sent while 2025-01-06 15:50 was in my inbox. i was waiting till i could properly format their usage of newlines before i could respond
i think so. after i get the site finished off (basically just going through archives) i want to really dive into album work again. i want to reduce the amount of effort i'm putting into the projects but also make it look like i'm putting the same or more in.
what about your right one?
i don't know because i never bothered checking statistics on them.
and i see improvement
that doesnt mean i also think that you need more experience
you're already quite good at making songs, its just that it takes time to learn to perform them
i've thought about re-performing some of the older songs. this is very true, partly because the way i write songs is by trying to memorize the ideas over months. that means the ones that make it to production are the ones that naturally earworm into me.
and i guess the other thing is learning to sing from the back of your throat and not have the voice go in the front or the nose
(although it can also be a style choice, some singers stick with sounding nasal, theres this guy called eros ramazotti who does that)
it's that way for me too
when i try to sing the higher notes i dont have as much control over my voice as i wish i had (yet)
it takes practice and also the right advice
if you feel like you are doing the same mistake over and over again maybe find some teacher that can give you advice
me too.
overall, this is not a question but i see what you mean.
you should go to japan's questions page and ask this
mr beast flavored
it's up to the apology acceptance committee to decide
yes i've had her since i moved 1.5 years ago
have not watched it yet but i'll have to watch it sometime, which will be difficult because i do not have a TV or any show streaming services.
this one is fully intuition.
again can't make an objective list but
- when my parents gifted me a laptop when i was young
- everything aya has ever given me
- a video from timmy on my birthday
it's like a best friend but an evil best friend. it has the best intentions, but inevitably, you need to learn to ignore it most of the time.
to many to list let alone rank but here are five random ones i think of right now that have inspired me in some major way:
- the members of gentle giant
- mallbat
- glitch productions
- patrick foley
- emplemon
i, unfortunately, do not have any samples of a "right" sound. but you can look for "wrong" sounds by looking through my entire discography, which i am working on reuploading as we speak.
actually, i have two: the song at the end of iphone 15 review and the second chorus of waterfalls.
it's extremely hard to describe but there's just some "rightness" about hearing my own voice back. i used to think it's just missing practice, but i might just be dysphoria, since other people have told me for years that i'm rocking. when i get back to my apartment i'm going to work more on really shattering any last shred of this so i can actually get onto making more music.
never making it out there.
i've seen some nice things on bluesky, but i don't want to add another social media account to my arsenal when im sooo close to getting a rid of all of them myself.
i think sites are really the best thing, but it is unfortunate because you need to know a bit about HTML, but more importantly VIDEO COMPRESSION/SERVING. i just went to bill wurtz' website and its basically impossible for me to play Perfect without downloading it.
the trick to this btw is called HLS. i want to open source the script i used and the video player component because it's so cruicial to posting anything longer than 30 seconds on a website for people to play in-browser.
i remember trying odysee but i forgot why i disliked it. never heard of rumble.
with RSS feeds i think we can all thrive
i've already answered this before.
a friend showed me cave aged gruyere and it is currently my favorite but this will probably change as i usually cycle between a bunch of them.
if you want it to be, that is okay with me.
i'm working on it, sorry.
just one more than what was there previously.
it's really hard to say because i did not do exact time tracking on the project, i said on discord:
didnt track time for mv but it was produced alongside a full time software engineering career. from september ish to mid december, nearly all the time i had available outside work was spent on it, excluding time around friends. i did have a few weekends where i didnt leave my apartment at all (not even for grocieries or meals) and just grinded on the project. i had a lot of times where i felt like i couldnt work at all.
writing and producing the audio was on and off work from april 2023 to november 2024. not consistently. i spent most of 2024 practing singing not really getting where i want to be but better than before
during 2024 i was working on other songs, and i filmed many recording sessions. usually an hour long, most of these ended in me giving up. it's quite sad looking back at me being so lost
i've used them all but currently my favorite is safari (version 17.6)
direct messages or small group chats, through discord/signal/email. i like the bidirectional infodump more than the one way shout into the void that twitter is. it's more personal. it's more satisfying.
i'd ask her out but i'm worried what she'd say.
i was going to say i rarely dream but it's come up more and more these days. favorite one as of recent was a girl. i forgot what happened, but i remember that one dream as me just being a girl, as if that was how it always was. right now, i have so many things to transition an old identity to the new one. lots of dealing with multiple me's. the dream was comfortable because i was past that journey. and my gender was just a background element. and things were okay. when waking up i realized that fact of the dream instead of the actual topic inside the dream.
(assuming this is continuation of 2024-12-09 23:56)
not all friendships are meant to be. it's okay. if you want, you can send one more message, but be sure not to spam them. it's easy to make that mistake without realizing.
in general i'm very scared of other people/relationships. i've had some bad things happen to me in the past, and the result of that is a repulsion to having very close relationships. instead, i just collect as many friends as possible. i've learned that not everyone will be a close friend, and that it's okay if things drift away.
now i'm randomly reminded of some time when i was in high school i had a digital arts class (photoshop/etc), where i talked to the girl next to me nearly every day. i got her phone contact, sent a couple messages, and then never contacted again. last year while i still had instagram, i saw a photo posted by her. she's doing great.
sorry for rambling. the point is that things not working out is okay. maybe the next one will go better.
no, this is new information i need to fact check. very cool if true.
ok, according to a friend i am cute. wow.
very and it's unfortunate because i feel like i'm rarely around other people. it's like leaving the AC and just living on the roof where the AC doesnt hit.
thanks but this is the "questions" page not the "true statements i love hearing" page
i'm not sure. i copied the same package and the same question logic. you are incredible-coffee-worm.
yes, i feel happier.
sure why not
there's an emoji named shamrock (☘️) and one named four leaf clover (🍀)
sorry if you were the person that asked 2025-01-01 13:37, i have been very busy and i answered questions out of order.
i think i owe you an answer, but i do not owe you my personal life story. to summarize, i've been working through 2-3 years before really realizing i was trans, and that was half a year ago.
the beauty standards thing is real and so evil, and i'm glad its not something that affects me. i'm glad people did not forcefully prescribe my identity to me. my favorite form version of someone not telling me who to be was one friend telling me "it doesnt necesarilly mean anything. you could just be curious" before sending me this. that was good.
it's hard to describe how much happier it has made me feel, so i think i'll be okay.
you too <3
1 million because 5 would not be able to buy good chocolates.
undecided, check back later.
vastly simplify the website from where it was before.
it seems to be about the same website as it was before, though i agree the homepage needs work.
and is pushed to the very start of the questions page so nobody can find it anymore. what would you dothe database is sorted by question time, not url so it would show at the start. for example, this question stores 28929044 for example. if i happen to live to 2100 and still answering questions, it will just add a one to the start, so it would be 10001010000.
it increments to the next minute. this isn't a problem because this site will never get enough traffic to make that a big deal. people have tried to abuse the site in the past, but it never shows up publically, so there is very little reward for when that is done. so no one ever spams.
it used to be percise to the second but the site never displayed the seconds, so i just deleted it with this rewrite of the site.
no. if i took this route i would just impose a global rate limit on everyone to wait a minute.
me neither to be perfectly honest
an etc girl (electronic trans cuddly girl)
thank you. it's been a lot of effort to keep things under wraps while i was working. it has also been a lot on my mind going through said journey. i feel really nice now.
i've seen mean girls twice. they're .. really mean. i've heard of but never seen legally blonde.
i had planned a very long process where i would cycle a name per week, with a set of trusted friends. one of the names i thought of was "chloe", because i didn't know anyone with that name, it felt cute at a glance, and was reasonably short and easy to say. so the plan was to do about 5 of these name weeks.
i picked chloe to be the second name trial, and after week two i really did not want to let it go.
the best part is before the name weeks started, i predicted chloe would be the one. in my character design documents, i had a character named chloe that always went by the alias "Clover". she wasn't really fully written out, and if i continue her i'll make up a new name for her.
what about them?
if you really want to it is possible.
to decide what the meaning is
the usual
2024-12-24 03:46:15
emotions. and sometimes music. it's okay if you don't always feel real, i think that is a natural part of being real.
my favorite
i'd consider the turkey
can't say. but maybe.
let me ask my past self if they ever saw any
if you go to the bottom of the page there's a contact button. i don't manage the inbox.
i don't know if i can get all that ready by new years but i'll try. also have to defeat the self cringe at older content, specifically when my person shows up in it.
no idea i wasn't there when it happened
one day i woke up realizing my brain could come up with thoughts. it's something i practiced through all my past lives and also this one. you can get better at it too i think.
drink water. give yourself time to lie down and take a break but not too much. but it's important to re-affirm to yourself that you're going to do the thing no matter what, in 12 hours. if you don't believe it yourself, there's no way that it'll happen. but since you do believe, it is certain to happen.
(im answering this at ~4pm. probably going to be up to 3 am or so trying to finish the next music video today. this question came in at a very good time)
sure, why not
in my case it is. i realized that i mostly enjoyed the part of the process where i make the art but sort of dreaded a lot of the publication and distribution process. i hated it even more when i paid or gave something to someone else to manage those points. my favorite part of the finalziation process is putting the finished file on my archive hard drive and cleaning off my work desk for the next thing.
lightly in my head. though it's something i kind of want to 3d-animate, it might be a smart idea to make the book before the movie.
i think its natural to be nervous from these things.
i remember i deleted my facebook and instagram accounts a month or so ago after i realized i never used it for anything. but i'm sure if you both use facebook it counts a lot more than it counts for me.
well, thinking about it now, i was very personal on my facebook page. being added on it counted for a lot since the few posts i made were quite personal.
middle of left thumb
the one where they finally remove the "var" keyword
not neccecarily. i like all the usual ones.
what is good is you don't need a degree or license to write code. i think that is how it is in every country; you can just do it. that's what i did while i was going to school being taught non cs stuff. its what i did while taking cs classes that did not teach me cs. and then i got a job before finishing school, and being in the tech industry teaches you a billion things.
it could be had sometime
this works basically like asking to go on a date with anyone else, except you can't use the words girlfriend or boyfriend. just friend.
just be sincere. they will appreciate that. or send them the link to this question.
what is good is most of what you learn now is going to apply to everyone else you meet and ask out, regardless of gender identity.
apologies. i thought my question answer page was even working so i didn't check replies these past few days. i fixed it though.
easier to balance and stuff
that was a while ago
which ones?
maybe you aren't presenting your truest self
i promise it is possible
having no purpose in life
they're more like toppings but yeah for sure
enough to technically answer yes to this question but no because cannot hold a conversation
it's really hard to explain this since you have to experience all of the flavors yourself to get the real meaning of it. one flavor of love is the juxtaposition from being wanted, recieving attention, and then being scared of it. another flavor of love is mango.
it really depends on the flavor of the love itself. ask to lick them.
oh my god im so sorry i have never listened to any of her music
hatsune miku
all i think i can really input is that i haven't listened to a podcast since highschool, which i did while doing yard work. i no longer have a yard, so i no longer listen to podcasts. i also don't really pay attention to any of those other things (i remember hearing about the ongoing war but i could not name anything about it. or maybe theres more than one. zero clue to be honest. wait you said wars with an s, oh shit, let me go vault up the chocolate).
so for me, since 2021 i feel like almost the opposite has been happening. the energy is neutral or even feminine. it's almost comforting to be disconnected, when being connected makes me feel that way. maybe you are crazy, but either way you are definitely connected.
usually in feelings
one of the presets on unique-names-generator, my go to for automatically naming things
i should consider that since it is empty right now
odd jade octopus
no, there's RCS and some other platforms
i like it, don't know i talk to enough that uses it for me to be a daily user
start from scratch, refine things with what you learned the previous time. then ruin it and repeat the cycle.
it's raining -6db limiters
if you're brave enough
make sure youre in control of your data. and if you're not, make sure you have an easy out.
there's a lot of services you can use to host stuff, which also depends on what skills and things youre familiar with. if you're a software/web engineer like i am the cloudflare pages/workers and vercel are pretty reasonable. i run my thing on a $8 VPS, but i'm going to upgrade it to a $6 VPS on a different provider with better deals.
never been on it to be perfectly honest
theyre on my hard drive
in my room, organizing and cleaning things.
one second right before it becomes a dangerous situation
i'm not sure how to convert those thoughts into words but the thoughts can be described as perfectly regular.
some scenario and poem videos. maybe longer form content, but that's a stretch
i actually questioned this assumption a few years ago. i realized not only it wasnt true, i was happier without this assumption of love i thought i needed.
note that being a human being has the requirement of social interaction. its very hard to survive without it. the feeling your describing are those hardcoded requirements. having good friends is nice though. no reason to avoid it! i have a set of friends i am very close to, and they all sort of fill the role that the people i dated before had. getting friends like that is really hard though, and it's understandable if you think of friends as an avoidable evil.
you should answer this on your questions page.
yeah get those lighting maps all toasty
the color
mix green with mint
the New Roman times
next to Old Rome. more commonly referred to as "Rome"
YES, i plan to get everything on the site yeah. i just am super duper busy with work and the new song. instead of doing the whole album i'm just gonna do the first song and take things from there.
this question page is the only thing i really have time to maintain (thank's to old me for making it super easy to reply to questions).
any of them are okay. i'm still figuring out the exact answer to this stuff.
nevermind the "any" thing, let's just stick to they/them
it's a classic "good vs evil" situation to be honest.
oh. youtube shorts are a different system. i've removed them from the site as well. i've had a lot of issues with the platform as a whole and i think it's best that i avoid putting my content on the site at all.
do what
little treat
exciting gold chicken. i remember some of your questions
it was picked, like many other things, at random.
i hear all this stuff about years which i was too young to really use the internet. so many nice stories about it. things dont seem to be great on the internet nowadays, but i wasn't there for what seems to me like a golden age. so instead, i'm trying to make this question page my peak internet.
usually no. most of it nowadays is done through audio and video recordings. the new iphone comes built in with a camera and microphone so almost anyone can do it.
it would be great if they stayed fresh for more than what feels like a single day.
chloe and violet. in that order.
the tony one is pretty reasonable
free from advertisment
no it happened a few days ago after i saw an advertisment on my own upload
the brain
what channel?
of course. what else?
the "usual"
very interesting and fun
that part is for sure
this didn't happen
wow! thank you!
happy because new friend
no im pretty sure its not a number if these are ieee754 because the zero is actually a range from 0 to an extremely small but positive number. and then infinity is the range from an extremely large number to infinity. like a unstoppable force v immovable object situation, there isnt a sane way to compute the result
oh nevermind it's defined as zero
this one is not a number due to the thing i explained above.
see if the mirror says so
not really. some people are trying to make artificial authenticity (AA), but they have yet to realize the definition of authenticity.
as long as it doesn't last forever, yes.
i haven't heard of alec normal before but i listened to some of drive45's music a few years ago and they're one of those artists where it's a feeling that is very hard to describe and articulate but whenever an artist does it they do it in a different way than every other artist that does it. it's extremely cool.
theyre basically all amazing except shrimp, which i've been told is such a weird opinion to have.
i'm not sure. check back later.
the girl waiting at the end of the street.
being the same
a human being
sure. why not. that could be acceptable.
the usual
put on the shelf while i figure out how to sing
it never happens. all questions are completely well formed.
it was asked here
i love it
it's a trick question, every chord progression is both wrong and right depending on who's hands it is in.
i prefer combining them (ordered hash maps), so if by ordered map you mean an ordered hashmap, then that. otherwise, remove hash maps. actually, that is just always removing hash maps.
maybe the previous sequence those things were in was incorrect.
whatever we put in the script, i'll consider it.
i dont find this true, i answer all questions with answers as intersting and thought provoking as possible.
the usual
on windows you're supposed to use both like C:/ except canonically as a backslash C:\
(but both work). /
can be the start of an actual filepath on windows as long as it is a unc share path, which is used for network drives and other things (WSL, and more). the backslashes can be forward slashes too, so for example \\\Asset\Blender\Homemade\cup3.blend
could be a file path (this share does not actually exist). now the notation C:
alone is a relative path with a drive letter switch, which is very different than C:\
which is the absolute path C:\
(or more verbosely \??\C:\
on linux :
is a stupid character to use in a filepath please dont do it you will only cause problems (mostly because the PATH
environment variable uses :
to split them)
i dont understand what you are talking about because both of the options you have listed are entirely real artists. they both exist.
i should rewatch and check out the sequels. but my memory of it was that it was very nice and high quality. they had the dragons.
i could accept that
i think it has something to do with people and interactions between them.
i spent alot of my teen days listening to his music and watching his videos. it's been a very big influence on how i make things.
no it's just an abcense of the action. it's like saying "i didn't run 7 marathons in a row"; consider that "didn't" and "run 7 marathons in a row", but the word didn't implies that the action was unfufilled. similarly, you could say "the 7 marathons in a row was unrequited", or "i am not loved".
F Bm Em Am
not really
what about these two?
never heard of this one
meow meow, meeow!
let me get back to you in hopefully 60 years
with knives or something
no. but i think we can have some scenes which are silent. and other where there are spoken parts. i would like that.
maybe myself sometimes.
start now and keep going
this is not a question
regardless, you cant have one without the other.
it's optional
too much chocolate...
you should try asking answerable questions next time.
i don't remember this interaction
nuclear warfare
this isnt true per-se
i dont know how i am but it 100% for sure happened.
i've seen it used in all sorts of meanings. every time, you should re-assign it's meaning to something new, and loftful.
with your hand
no. i always eat them without the milk. since i don't really like milk that much. i can appreciate it though.
i learned about it on tv, and got addicted. i wanted to learn how to do it.
no it's always been this way, sorry.
well it is possible. and it's a good thing.
you should get someone to ask that on your questions page.
it keeps changing. check back in a few days.
it's ok.
a verb, when you are being mean. being lean and mean. beans filled to the seams with jeans. honestly, it's all the same to me.
wallpaper store
i think about this one a lot but it's a really bad thing to think about. the meaning of death is to actually just not think about it. that's how bad it is.
this isn't a question
the casual bongos
you. it's your turn to prove. i'm tired of it.
yeah when i feel like a sad girl it is pretty effective.
i would feel pretty bittersweet about it.
that's a good way to describe it.
yeah. i am currently doing that right now with 2024's sing + animate game i am playing. the game where i sing and animate something short. i still havent figured out the rules of the game though.
i don't think so
x-ray vision
at least 8
no becuase chatbots are unable to make spelling mistakes.
i don't know.
no because time moves at a rate proportional to the amount of fun in the room.
this is not a question
when i am in the mood
it depends which nation you are observing from. to me, every day is unique. and therefore, none are.
with anything if you keep doing something you usually get better at it.
handmade paper
i think by definition i wouldn't know what would happen.
it is a webgl shader i wrote by melding together like 4 other webgl shaders i found and then manually tweaking until it felt right.
that is probably accurate.
unsigned integer with saturating arithmetic
waiting to happen, im sure.
no, it is more like a design limitation
it would be known as the biggest answer.
maybe one day in the future.
great job
they're ok.
you need a balance of both, similar to that of yin and yang
i wish i did, but now that i know what they are it's too late. i wouldn't live without one.
it would be nice to use both at the same time.
i don't know who that is. sorry.
there's a chance it also stands for tomato, t-rex, or possibly transgender.
not true
in what way? you could say [] and {} are not the same.
i wonder when they'll start using the visible spectrum.
this statement is false
ghosts, and large amounts of money.
not sure
i do these all of the time.
because it's fun sometimes.
not neccecarily. consider prime numbers.
true or false depending on n
it depends which video i'm making but the newest project is back to just fusion like the good old days.
never have considered there were more than one; i always think of it as the octopus.
sure, why not
2024-05-30 15:58
i have not
not neccecarily
read-only since 2012, read-write since 2018
down the hall first door on the right
it looks like your typical 10/10 rated video game. maybe i'll give it a play someday.
colors are how i am able to see more than 0 objects at once.
wrong number
the society store. has a lifetime warrenty.
yes, i like to make my own rules here.
i've talked about this before, but the summary of my advice is "i have no idea, i got lucky, just keep going."
have you ever learned about SIMD?
let me look around.
i havent really read into homestuck much but i think there's one named old name.
go to the next society, or create a new one. it will be alright i promise.
it could be you.
let me figure that one out.
our expectations grew as we realized the limits of the tech we have. very great demos but not very usable. i have copilot and other code-complete disabled for example. I think gpt-4o will be the same. amazing tech demos, but not really that useful outside of small tasks, and just ripping people apart instead of bringing them together.
to nucleo
small size is one variant of shirts.
would rather half of both
i don't see what is stopping you from using both, for their respective advantages.
i use mac os 13.6 and enjoy it pretty well
me too
i wish i could give some concrete advice, i basically got lucky on accident. throughout all of my high school career i basically just was fucking around with computers. it negatively affected grades and all that, but i didn't really care because i just loved doing computer bullshit. then i started college, at some random nobody place, as a random nobody person. i just wanted to get through it and get some job. kept doing the same stuff, because school was boring, and ended up hitting a really lucky break after one year.
and while i wouldnt say "throw away academics", i have noticed that the things i'm good at are all because i specifically wanted to learn them, and i spent thousands of hours learning them. and with every thousand hours you put into something, the better you get.
good luck.
i would have to figure out how to do a backflip first but sure.
yeah that's how it works
they all came into existance at the exact same time.
an antimatter atom
it depends on the size of it.
too much / not enough. i've lost count of which iteration this website is, i've rewritten it many times.
have you finished the sans battle in the video game. i haven't
no, what's that?
let me order a mirror to find out.
everything, because everything that isnt copper is chrome.
yes, i typed this answer without any force.
go long term. make more games, and teach yourself everything about everything, then you'll either make something worth a lot or be hired out by other interesting opportunities.
i remember a demo where someone took a photo and a generative model wrote out text. though i think they had text and the image. it just feels easier to add words to prompt what the model is supposed to do.
it depends if the math is advanced enough to the point they stop using numbers. if so, no
it is okay.
the multiverse is made up of exactly two universes, where one is infinite and the other one is finite. the finite one is called the iverse, with the un-iverse being the unlimited universe (iverse is short for universe).
sure but q+a websites have been a thing long before i was born, so it is not my idea.
oh of course.
how to write good code.
enough to survive plus a bit extra. i am very content.
make sure to also put some time into relaxing. i spent a very small amount of time of my childhood doing that and i wish i did more and hung out with friends more before the whole "real life" thing sets in. though, spending most of my time learning computer science and web development definetly paid off– i think there's a good middle ground here.
it depends on the fine print that nobody reads.
probably were all typos. i havent re-read any of my fiction in a long while, and i think i rushed this one for a school assignment. i don't remember.
you should ask this on Wikipedia's question page.
it's usually pretty fun, which is better than some jobs where it is only sometimes or never pretty fun.
i'm not sure i understand
can i borrow this statement for my the next question's response? i promise i will change it up a little bit so it doesn't look like an obvious copy-paste.
do you mean community text adventure?
potential resale value
let me check
these sorts of questions are not very viable because if something is more "beginner friendly" it's likely to have a lower skill/feature ceiling.
i would take the following list, shuffle it, and then run the trial version of each one. try to do as much as you can in a day, and then move to the next one. repeat until you hit all of them. take notes, they are all software i've verified myself at some point to be capable of editing videos together:
- davinci resolve
- blackmagic fusion
- shotcut
- final cut pro
- blender
- kdenlive
- adobe premiere
- adobe after effects
some of the above do not cost anything to use, and everything besides fusion has amazing tutorials on how to do everything you can imagine.
the rest of this response is related to how i do things specifically because i feel like sharing some new info:
most of my "effects" and "fancy visuals" are done on fusion. it is my favorite tool for the task but it has one of the steepest learning curves, as well as it being needlessly compute heavy. my older videos used specifically fusion 9.0.2, which was the last free version of the software, before it was fully integrated into davinci resolve. the integration within resolve is not very stable in my opinion, and breaks down when applying it for large scenes. instead of using resolve, some of my projects used a custom tool called the "sequencer" or the "creative toolkit". both were hacks of scripts to programatically render and arrange lists of fusion compositions. this is how the entirety of mystery of life's video was produced, including the 3d scenes.
newer video like the iphone one were made in resolve because i did not have the sequencing scripts in working condition, and i was on Mac OS which i had not ported all that code to fully work on.
i'm currently in a giant rabbit hole of computer graphics, so we may truely get a new tool for doing graphics. it will most likely have to be paired with a real video editor, but it would be a way to do intricate text graphics and composition, leaving stitching of these clips to the video editor program. i'll have more info on this throughout the year, especially as the album progresses (still doing only audio and it is taking forever)
i don't have any playlists i just use the shuffle all button.
it's a neat word. oh you mean the website, it's pretty solid.
there definetly was a blocking system at some point but i forgot if that is still in place. i have not had the need to block people in a while, though some questions are extremely odd or offputting; i just ignore these and do not place any form of a ban on them. people who spam the page also get the same treatment, i've found that since there is no visible feedback from abusing the question box, no one actually does so (it is also very rude regardless)
at least 1
usually death
you should try going to the frog's question page and ask it there.
in command prompt, each drive root has it's own current working directory, meaning if you type D:
to switch to the D drive, then cd
around that, then type C:
to switch back onto the C drive, you will be in the same directory your started at.
recently: turkey
i am currently in the process of that right now.
a non-orange orange.
try f8
i thought there were more than 100. but yes i am a part of the population.
i directly inspired this page off of but there are so many more examples of these, one of them that comes to mind is sean altman's talk page, where the most recent update to it predates my entire life.
edit 2025-01-01: wow, sean's website was redone, replaced it with the linki would accept that
usually the updates that contain things i actually want or need.
i'm not sure yet.
sure, if you want them to.
it is a construct of your own imagination. you decide how it is.
you don't have to destroy any inventions, but rather change your headspace. and be a bit more wavy with things.
it can be if you want
if you had to pick a number from 0 to 1000, one millon times over, would the number you picked the most equal the quanity of numbers you never picked?
you followed the instructions incorrectly.
i forgot what year it is.
nobody knows because when it happened no one was prepared to write down what happened. it just, kind of happened.
let me check
a character? which kind? a grapheme cluster, or a code point, a code unit, a glyph?? all of which i choose .
i think natalie would say yes
it does
no it's handmade
probably as part of winning the race
true. i hadn't considered that
i can't take an operating system seriously if it is possible to open (and take keyboard focus) an application but it appears under other applications. i develop over SSH on a macbook because it is saner.
that is alright. edge isn't bad.
all memes happen. it's a fact of life.
these are all up to you
please do not donate to me.
no, they are too unique.
it is not but whatever the limit is or how many questions you send, you need to keep it on your concious mind that i am going to read the entire thing. you should feel extremely bad about yourself if you abuse either of these things.
the fact that it's possible
did you mean old name caruso? regardless, i still don't remember.
it's alright
you must be thinking of 2021-09-28 16:35 which seems to be a response to 2021-01-25 17:14 which was a response to 2020-06-14 18:51. of course i remember you.
it's exactly what i thought it was going to be: a game engine. it's great.
i basically only played with the editor. i did not really look at what anyone else made with it. something about a fire in a hole.
- celeste-like camera
- snapping test
- [30% written 2d portal gun bullet code]/file/q+a/RPReplay_Final1704695669.mp4). most of this is spent on grid-snapping.
- the practice mode song as an actual level layout
i lost interest some time after because i wanted to get back on the album but it's a great game i could spend a few more dozen hours.
i don't know who tom brady is so i'd rather have the dollars as opposed to meeting someone.
let me check
this question is not a valid path on windows because it is missing a drive letter.
i'm figuring that one out, ask again later.
welcome. i am very glad you are here.
there was this cat, and she named me.
make sure to adjust your niceness level to the maximum allowed.
what about it?
that would be me yes
let me check
it would be paradoxical to assume either answer here.
though it's more about learning the concepts of writing code, because once you learn it learning other languages is easy. i learned zig very well in a few weeks, and i think i learned the majority of rust in two days.
i don't remember
my favorite character
i don't think there is any harm in trying. though since it gets tiring, i like to take "clap breaks" every so often, usually while a performance art takes place, then i clap afterwards. this helps reduce fatigue in my hands.
i'd prefer to be everyone's valentine, in a fake world where nobody exists.
doing exactly what feels right, at exactly the right time.
i would assume one as in the number
it's raining
everyone did. i learned it intuitively by listening to music and then trying to make it myself. it's kind of like ai, but manual.
too many vocal retakes
last i checked (it has been a while though), old name is my name. let me double check to make sure this is accurate
yep. "old name M Caruso" is the full name i go by, though i think "old name" is good enough for informal, or if you're a close friend to me, there are some other nicknames i enjoy.
i wonder
it depends what project you're asking about.
have fun with your life before you get to college and you have less time to have fun, and before you get past college where you have even less time.
learn things you want to because they're enjoyable, not because you'll get views.
i have a ton of other things i could say: suggestions on what exactly to spend your time on, things to avoid, software to use. but i wouldn't feel comfortable saying them to anyone besides 16 year old me. it's up to you to decide what you want to do with your life.
like if you want to make art and be an artist, just do it. though i would recommend starting as absolutely small as possible (think to the good old 1 word bill wurtz songs), and then scaling up from there.
i think you should make a video without fudge happening.
i dont know. it doesn't really matter to me. as long as i make it and i enjoy the result, that would be a success.
probably immediately after it is fully finished.
old name music.
- mars
- other planets, stars, and stuff
- the fact that music actually exists
- typography
- graphics cards
if i'm being honest i don't remember
it probably depends. you should spoil something for me and then gauge the reaction.
exclaimation points
probably the world wide web
i dont know what this question is asking
no, but it contains a lot of words, usually within books, and that makes it quite wordy. to which, in my opinion, it is close enough to worldly.
that sounds like a weird thing to do considering the point of this page is to ask me things. it should always direct to me.
what about them?
no you are not.
average thoughts
i don't think it's good enough but in the event this stuff takes over the world i'm just gonna keep doing my own music because the interesting thing about music and art for me is the process that the human took to create the media.
i found some ai things interesting because of all the steps the human took to make the ai do the thing correctly, and i think the art there is the process less the result.
if it becomes more widespread on platforms like spotify or youtube i'm going to pull my content off of their platform.
i made a configuration mistake then forgot to fix it. sorry for the downtime.
it finds you and then it eats you
you should ask a baby caterpillar. one of my friends was a caterpillar but not anymore. maybe they still remember.
there isn't a search bar on this website at the time of writing.
i am a musician and someone gifted me chocolate the other day so i think that would fit all the marks there.
they taught me this one in school i swear but i dont remember it sorry.
no but just one
no, no
yes, yes, and yes
thank you
it's by JokerFactor who got the least possible time, 0.0 (link to discord message). i am unaware of anyone else who has done this feat.
i could say the same about your question
not sure, i'll get back to you later.
its hard for me to know because i don't really remember what things were like before. but i dont think that you have to fight to question the world, you just have to do it. im not aware of much stopping us.
when you press the send button a cat runs up to me and hands me a sealed envolope with the questions and then i answer them.
i was going to ask where but i realized i use recursive everywhere.
it is a cow
its the internal made of one of the gamemodes in the video game geometry dash
sure. it just means you are very exclamitory about the question.
one of
you forgot to ask the question
i'm trying to remember which one that movie was. but i think so.
wrong number
to make art i am satisfied with
i usually avoid contact with snakes so probably not
it is intriguing
i think about this one a lot
every day all of the time
i am sorry. i tried to write the shader on the homepage as optimal as possible but it must not be. if this page is lagging that is because there is simply a lot of content.
i use mac nowadays and it's the best desktop os i've used in my life.
linux is great if you're a tinkerer, and willing to always tinker on stuff. it reminds me of car people like my dad; if their car had an issue the first thing they'd do is open it up. and then unlike me and others, would probably know what the hell they're doing.
and i could do that with linux, but sometimes you just want to make an album and sometimes its worth paying for an unrepairable-and-locked-down-as-fuck MacBook, vs the DIY nature of linux.
again not to say linux is bad, i think its more stable and usable than Windows, but that is once you get it setup. linux is harder to setup and maintain almost always, but i imagine if i touched updates less often i would've had less problems anyways.
i don't remember
i dont know what you're talking about
i don't remember how
it's just magical.
chocolate keyboards dont exist because i already ate them. there is nothing to resist.
more often, i think about if the game can break me.
recursive except for stupid and dumb places you cannot change the font on.
i'd probably go more into the music side of things. learn piano. i would probably do it 15 times all over again that way. but i think its okay how it turned out this time.
i don't know. sorry.
enjoyable. i wish it was scarier.
it was like 11pm and i was curious what this "sun is a deadly lazer" snippet i was sent was about and then by 4am i had watched at least 50 of bill's videos. i didn't realize art could be so expressive.
it depends on the time of year. when people say it's a "new day", they are referring to this distance measurement, not the contents of the day.
yes but for a billion different iterations of two fictional characters interacting.
honestly don't remember the list of genres, sorry.
apple watch
not yet
the idea is i would embed them into the songs page so you could play the song and read the lyrics alongside. kinda like what apple music does.
never really got around to that, been busy on the album. havent even published the new site layout.
prefer regular vanilla if i'm going for the flavor alone but otherwise i love it.
you forgot to ask the question
never heard of it
still figuring that part out.
sorry i've been really bad with my file hosting. one day i will have a page with all those old test files. and also combined with a bunch of new test files. here is one of the new files
edit 2025-01-01: i am now organized 2021-12-05_smooth.mp4
i can confirm this happened. mother did say this. i was there.
the other side is hanging on to you too
this is not a question
my dad. mr car uso
let me check
still figuring it out, but i usually think about the idea of doing something specific, for months and months, and then eventually have the courage to give it a try and then i write it out, then i revise, then i turn it into audiovisual media.
for the album, which isnt neccecarily creative writing but it also totally is, i've been giving myself a set of steps to follow and i've been stricter than i usually have been about following the list of steps to the letter.
i don't go to school so i wouldn't know
maybe you're not certain if you're right or not. double check the numbers, use a calculator if youre not sure.
you should have a really pleasant mix of both
let me check, probably 19 years ish
no but there are plenty of other light mode pages to enjoy
with real snakes
i focus on the feeling it invokes, or the symbolism of the thing, less of what the reality of it actually is. it's more comfortable that way in my opinion.
if that were true, would any action taken to make yourself more hated (such as: kwebbelkop) have the opposite effect? i don't think so. it really depends more on the context of the changes you make to yourself, and what your secret motives behind them are.
some people change themselves to be more likable because they want to like themselves more.
ask the road (Representative of All Ducks) for an answer
i'm okay
im unfamiliar with what an up dog smells like
platformers like celeste and new super mario bros wii
it contains half of itself, on average.
sometimes some paths are physically impossible to cross. just remember that it's usually possible to walk in both directions, and hopefully at some point you can revisit the more interesting path.
also, check for fog. sometimes you'll find the unappealing path actually leads to something interesting, but you just cant see it yet.
whats a denver bronco
i'm really really tired
my opinion on this subject changes often but i really enjoyed the chocolate bars may got me some time ago.
i did that once i think. it was very effective. try a variation where you're actually behind the circle and everything looks backwards.
i wish it was still possible but ios nowadays can do much more. well, i haven't used it in a while but next week i get to try it out again.
all of them
as a real human, no the answers are not generated by ai but rather generated by a human. beep boop.
free chocolate.
meh probably not
it depends but usually i do but sometimes i do really weird hours. yesterday and today i woke up at 8pm.
i think so
doesn't it feel so nice to be free in that way?
i love you but no thanks
let me ask her if this is true on her question's page.
i had to rollback everything because the q+a page did not let people type in the box for some reason.
otherwise i dont feel like porting over all the old pages. might make the site much more minimal. might make a blog.
let me ask the woodchuck on their questions page.
you should go to their questions page and ask that
it's quite interesting
i have never heard of any of these but i will go with seek
physical local hard drive
not really. i usually dont save uncompressed renders
try asking doordash instead.
heh. it's actually because they dont put fans in half their machines.
i'm not so sure about this one
i'm not 100% sure but i think is related, even just a little, to the new copy+paste technology culture that rose half a decade ago. also "content" culture.
True but paradoxically I could not actually prove this is the case, so False.
i love you too may
they're okay but i'm more interested in artificial intelligence's opinions on you.
anything can be an instrument if you have a good enough sampler. for example, a wifi router.
its a chicken and egg problem, both were first.
probably the rules of the stupid web framework im using
this one is so close to a title of a SONG in the album.
overall these were all pretty good but a human can write way better ones.
In the past I had a videos folder and then a folder per video.
For the album I have: ~/Album/logic/<song name>.logicx
. Logic is great because each file is basically a zip file of all song contents, samples, etc.
For the videos of the album, I'm not fully sure but i feel like it'll be ~/Album/<song name>/<scene number>/{program name}/file.ext
this question is like the whole premise of the album.
oops, already eaten.
the memories actually name me.
i love you too. stay safe out there milo.
you should ask them on their question page.
to achieve the world record.
the beef sandwich
you forgot to attach the beat, but i think you're on the right track. 6
try to ask nicely but still be assertive. could also buy it.
of course
that is not true
i think of these as like higher level concepts like "a spoken word moment within an otherwise music packed album" and when i think of these i almost always follow the thought with "i'm sure someone's done this before, but it's definetly not very common"
i'm always so glad to see it's possible.
me and a friend talk about this stuff alot when thinking about each others ideas and theres a word i feel like they use alot. like one day recently i was talking about one idea related to video publishing and they said:
Thats genius. Is there precedent for that?
correct. one of my songs actually is partly about that (you recited one of the lines almost exactly)
is too slow at producing hit albums
it's both combined in one
hear and speak words for a few years
my whole life. right at the start they asked what i wanted to be when i grew up but they didnt tell me any of the options, and kinda just thought i'd know.
yes, it is called my hard drive.
should've been "maide"
check under the doormat
it's a dangerous place.
They are fun but take it with a few dozen ounces of salt.
edit 2025-01-01: a lot has changed since this, the site is built from scratch with typescript, sqlite, and my own code to generate HTML. i'll do a long writeup blog post eventually.
so i want to rebuild the entire thing AGAIN
right now it is a sveltekit app run on a digital ocean vps (i had issues with cloudflare workers caching and hanging)
every single thing is dynamically linked to a postgresql database. its a mess and i think this is a mistake since so much content is rarely updated and i think the real solution to scheduling content is not a database but just
sleep <seconds till release>; git push
im thinking of using astro in the future but the fact theres no client side routing is really not doing it for me. i started making my own set of tools for it that solves all those problems but its nowhere near usable.
the site is something i want to work on but ive had little time and motivation as my current life time is spent doing these things
- writing code for bun
- working on the album
- being alive life stuff.
working on the site or framework is like, too much code for my life workflow right now. perhaps. maybe a spark of motivation will happen.
in the future it will most definetly be running on bun/oven's hosting service but that doesnt exist yet.
i want to take a note to describe how dynamic the question answer page really is. its the coolest part of the site and the only thing that really needs to be dynamic. each question is markdown code using a forked version of a markdown parser that lets me throw in 2023-08-05 21:07 which is just the text #2308052107
but it seems that code is now magically broken. wtf. why cant it just work.
this stuff breaking is the type of shit that makes me want to write it all over myself with just my code. but thats like weeks of work, especially if i want to keep the site as big as it is. there is a case to just make it a single page
also the cdn
edit 2025-01-01: i used to have a backblaze bucket on a subdomain. instead, that is now, which is so much simpler. it mirrors a folder on my hard drive. Publishing new files is just running a script. I'll do it right now for example: /file/q+a/20250101221312.png
Maybe you weren't listening to your child.
i've only ever used Google Pixel as an android phone, but ive held the Samsung phone and it is very interesting from an outsider. but i think in a few months i'm just gonna buy an iphone. but at the same time i might keep my android phone because i really like the voice recorder app i use on that and i dont believe it exists on ios.
liquid aluminum
i think you should think about how the chicken crossed the road. it's even funnier i promise.
michael jackson
dr pepper
to get something written at all for some of these bridges
did you try "completing the square"
i forgot what my personality test was but maybe you can take it for me by pressing "neutral" on every question
idk i have the max one. or the pro? or both. i dont know. these words all basically mean the same thing to me when used as a suffix of a tech product.
i can swim similarly to how the pyramids in egypt can be a movie theater. possible, but not intentional or a good idea.
i think they are very cool however i cannot find any use i will ever measure anything, real or virtual, with those prefixes.
for distance, i think "inch" or "cm" covers like every single one of my use cases, including within 3d software / virtual stuff. beyond that i'd just measure a distance in minutes that it'd take using the transit system.
that would be the number of songs in my upcoming album.
that is not true it's only been almost half that
too late
you forgot to ask the question
i've never seen this before. it seems reasonable.
goodmorning stacy.
you could be referring to a lot of things but relationships that get old are usually really good and comfortable.
i sure hope you do
i have bad memory so that could've totally happened and i just forgot.
if we only count the writing phase, 72.5%
if we count the rest of it, i would have to estimate, idk. 20%
aiming for next year but it's really hard to know how long it'll actually take to make it. it might be 2025. but i'm okay spending as much time as it takes so long as i'm not getting trapped in perfectionism.
music videos too.
it feels extremely fresh but the place is still a mess as i wait for the rest of my IKEA furniture to ship.
but the general thing is there are bills, i have a job, but i get full control over my life.
so this isnt unique to living in an apartment but for my situation i moved an extremely far distance (Detroit -> San Francisco) so that basically cuts off physical contact to the people i know and love.
Yes, it gets a little lonely because of that specifically. but the idea of living in a place on my own isn't a lonely feeling.
someone's long-lost cousin.
my upcoming album explores a lot of negative-but-im-confused-why feelings. also trying to figure out love. also hair.
oh i
got lost inside a paradise
it stopped at every station
but none felt like home
i wanna love someone, but i'm locked in despair
life moves so quickly, and i'm almost there
oh wow the toast is ready
it's a different but sweet and solemn sound
is what? because no matter what you're gonna ask the answer is no. nothing is easy.
this is not true
this is also not true. though i know your expectations were betrayed.
it's okay, i promise.
because it was already on the other side
sveltekit running on node.js on a blank linux vps
with what?
you can try but construction usually gets in the way of people just trying to exist.
it's funny.
to gossip about the humans
i understand
im not sure if this is a compliment or a question but thank you for your input.
it was worth every penny of it
seems like you want a q+a page too. that would be interesting.
no it just increases your clarity and awareness inside of the dream but you'll still forget it afterwards
this isn't true
why not both
rather just publish everything without putting a maze behind it.
and all the meme content is just on my friend's site,
home button
before the album is done
use FastWave
you were
i dont speak that language
i'll be honest i dont remember which modern that we're "post" of so i can't say yes or no but i'm sure i exist after at least one event that someone once considered "modern".
moving across the country, my work, and messing with Logic Pro X
was not old enough to remember what life was like during their presidency but they seem like a cool person.
i see what you mean
i think they could just share to be honest.
no one has it. it's likely reserved for an alt account i made and lost 8+ months ago
ratio of what
you're currently inside of the wii sports bowling alley.
all the time, with everyone.
i didn't grow up with a microwave and i don't know how to use the one in my apartment. so i can't answer this question.
i think the latter is the true one because i usually feel alone in my own home. it's not really terrifying to me though, because i've gotten used to it; so the aliens existing would be scarier.
song and spoken
मुझे याद नहीं है
timmy really thought we could win with that idea.
idk but you are what you eat so just look at what you are and coerce it to a vegetable.
you're not supposed to send the answer alongside the question. what was the idea of sending a question with an answer. what am i supposed to do. im confused
it's not november but im not really sure what it is. maybe it's may, or july, or september
he's great
oh no
last time i played it that section loaded but if it isn't that's really unfortunate. i'll add this to my endless todo but idk when/if i can get to fixing it. email me with more info on how youre playing the game but i swear it ran fine on the google chrome version 2 years ago.
which one
favorite job
let me check
oculus quest because meta still sounds like a word more than a hundred billion dollar company.
it's a sign that you should become something.
this is true but i see more room for growth
part of it is the fact you can do anything and in a sense that is also a curse. sometimes i feel like i wish i never learned any of this and instead just focused on music/videos instead of dumping literally dozens on months failing to automate certain tasks
i dont remember. i was very young. i know my dad was into computers and he helped me put together this really cool little mini pc and i then just kept going crazy with it. minecraft was somewhere along the journey. so was hacking my wii. windows batch files too, though now i use a blend between linux and macos.
i kind of just kept picking up different things but doing nothing huge with the skills because i didnt have the skills to make anything huge. or the ideas. and when youre a kid in middle/high school just googling how to use react and webpack in 2016-17 it's just confusing and i didnt really understand and either it's gotten easier or i grew but i started really understanding how the web stuff worked. but i also had very random skills in other places like java and c and so on. i also learned php more in depth than i should have but havent touched that in ???. so on and so forth
idk where im going because im pretending to know exactly what happened in my life. also music and videos happened. also elemental. also that thing with ludwig. also bun.
just kinda, do what you want to do. make sure to survive too. if you're lucky, you'll win the game.
actually you are awesome
i'm on the side that doesnt see because i don't understand the question
the part of my brain that is filled with anxiety
not necessarily
sometimes. maybe i'll make a rap song sometimes.
like $500
i needed to hear this. thank you. can you say it again just so i can really internalize it?
maybe your eyes are not seeing all of the text when in reality it is ri
it's a mix of both. it's true power goes over my head. i just use javascript/bash to write my scripts.
there isn't one sound. it depends on the sitaution. but i say "hi" a lot
i thought we we're all trying to find out what they said
i will try
and/or /bin/bash
and/or bread and butter
that's where my adventure started actually
when fried
we can try
im confused because i use mac linux and windows as of 2023-05-21
one sided dice
no you dont
no it's not
these are not mutually exclusive
it was funny
i'm so glad you enjoyed it. please share your time machine please.
look on the bottom of your shoe and see if theres a note telling you
what about it?
yes. i have over a thousand audio files that can be added to it like 2023-01-08.mp3
edit 2025-01-03: i uploaded a few files to the journal folder, though i feel like one day this deserves its own rendered out page.
that would be remarkable
right now it's "waterfalls" by me
who's there
nope. gone forever.
i had that dream too. i also had a dream to make a countdown on the input box and limit the box to 1 per day. and also limit the box to 10 questions max before i got to it.
i like it.
i want a whole world to tell stories in. its a big project idea and i've only barely started.
you gotta get into their shoes. you gotta think like them. everything someone does has a reason; and if you think that reason is "no reason" then theres a reason the character would say there is no reason.
i got on a giant tangent that i want to continue that is essentially plotting out every single thing possible about two of my characters (which i havent really made public, i want to 3d model them and animate and storytell with them in videos, which is why im doing this extensive writing process). and what i've found is i can explain every single behavior and thing about the character since i've established a rough history of the entire character's life. their viewpoints, people they knew in the past, how those people influenced them, their fears and the things they love.
to start getting the hang of it though you probably can just start. just play conversations in your head. people say to be yourself alot, but try not being yourself in these and see if that gets you anywhere. but maybe DO try being yourself; try being variations of yourself.
this is all speculation please email me if any of this works.
endless writing phase
i don't know why either
i dont really understand it, but i think its an interesting idea to do something in the least number of steps.
i'm unaware of golf ball sizing.
what about it?
probably the "incorrect" kind.
good morning
you should include ev's changing hair color too
easier to read i think
i forgive you.
go ahead. just remember that g, e, m, are all based on real people who have heavy associations with the letter, in a sense that i often refer to them by their letter. and many other letters are also based on real people but not with the letter matching up.
interesting idea. i don't have time to make this game but if you do, you should join the discord and share your progress if that's something you're gonna work on. it would be wild to see a video game using blend modes and layering.
that must be incredibly lonely. i sometimes feel lonely by not being near people, but i know that it's possible to see them. this person wouldn't even have the possibility.
they couldn't easily prove it.
so many people. thousands. trillions. will all feel the same way.
idk. i'm not the one writing the story. i think.
"how has the album been going?"
oh i wrote a piece of software that makes this type of stuff really easy except i dont make it until the future so it doesnt exist yet.
i don't know, i barely know how to use blender. probably with a few keyframes.
i think we often don't realize the truth is the truth. this is the source for disagreements and arguments and maybe even wars.
i could see it going that way.
the answer to this question is unknown
this would be an amazing hook for a song.
no i think we have this backwards. greet first, then you meet them. it's called a meet and greet because these actions are both done at the event, just not at the same time. named out of order because it rolls off the tongue a little better.
to enjoy it
something about uninfinity
haven't seen this one
haven't seen this one
to describe
to be overpriced and undercomfortable
yes. many meanings.
you're within your right to question everything. i do that sometimes. often times no one chooses to listen, and those people are well within their right for that. i wont promise you deep answers on anything unless you're the song i'm writing or one of my closest friends.
gestures at the future it's going to be okay.
violet loves that one
a ton. i want to merge them in one project but i don't think i'll have the time/desire to even start that project in the next few years unfortunatly.
i need to think about it
i want to travel into the future so i can say the new mario movie. the rest of the movies i can't think of off the top of my head.
both at the same time, one in each ear.
i forgot the answer to this question
ah, i always forget C
. thanks for reminding me for today's study session.
ruined the phrase. love it
good font but can feel weird in some places.
what can't it do.
no. in fact i have so many ideas i think the real thing i'm out of is time.
ln(cabin) if i remember this class correctly.
at least 5
i think this happened multiple times already. at least twelve. probably more. this is why people act "weird."
which dress? it's probably green.
i dont feel so good about that.
most definetly.
i have to check with the coolness department
i chose it, randomly.
i think its a fine representation. use more imagery maybe.
describe, almost.
evaluate, never.
start with windows 7 notepad and then save the file as .HTML. keep learning. ignore browser support. then learn how to do everything properly.
both at the same time. its a huge time sink, and i wish i could get projects done faster, but i always think the time i put in it regardless is worth it.
though right now im putting zero time into the music work at the moment so it's not very worthwhile of the time im putting in it. unfortunatly. hopefully production can pick back up by may.
i felt a bored and i wanted to see if i could.
because im too lazy to fix the one question that has a really long code block
someone used it as a nickname for me a long time ago, based on my profile picture being a paper airplane. now the icon represents the name, which represents the icon. so we're kinda suck in a loop. i i think it sounds nice.
edit 2025-01-03: the username used to be paper[deadname], for obvious reasons i simply used my name in my name. instead of using my new name in the username, i decided to pick something similar but not that name, to bail me out from this stupid dependency on my real life. and also since i started in 2018 with [deadname]code, i realized that i wanted to withhold some of the most personal details in my life, though i'm fine with people finding out my name is chloe. i'm even fine with people finding out my deadname is... well, i'd rather not. and finally, there is now a space in my username because i realized i fucking hated when people combined words for no reason. i will lose my shit if i see someone types PaperClover with the pascal casing, like wtf no that's not how this works.
it depends if they are eating from the soup or drinking the soup liquid.
which definition of "love" do you have because depending how you define it that makes perfect or zero sense.
i keep that one a secret
it's available readily in landlocked cities.
civet has some fun things i wish typescript had like switch pattern matching and pipelines. there's a million other things i could think of though, especially for other languages.
it depends on when you celebrate chrismas
ai can't generate art right now. i don't think it is capable of that, by definition.
there are none. creativity goes infinitely. in fact you might find ways to use cogs, machines, and ai tools to help you on your way to making art.
not sure. i tried finding the limits once but couldn't. i feel like it isn't infinite, but i didn't look all the way.
i don't think that's true. well, you sure can let it rip you away if that's what you want.
been there done that it's a bad but sometimes necessary thing.
about 1 sonic, which is a unit of measuring speed.
i haven't heard of this before.
sounds interesting.
no it's more like a causation.
aren't these automated by now?
i just got home after 4 hours of college physics class i did not need to hear any of this.
i don't think they will ever realize that to be honest.
i'm 18 now
it was the chorus tune except it was "i'm 15 now" except it was the second chorus only. i then wrote the first two verses later on and then renaming it to 18 after i realized that fit the melody as well, and had a new, much more realistic deadline. i think most of my way though mayday i realized i could totally pull it off instead of it being a song that went to waste. so then the bridge mentioning 14 was then written then as a sort of callback. i think there was another one in the song referencing age 9 as sort of the start of everything but i didnt keep that in and i dont remember what it even was about. most of this song was theorized as a showerthought, kinda evolving over the years.
eight-dimensional, sharp yet soft. warm, sometimes too hot.
good morning, thanks for making sure the system works.
it depends on your perspective, and i'm not so sure where i stand.
no i wrote them all besides "I would suggest removing the example sentences from this textbox since it encourages some people to just type what it says in there." but oddly enough i cant find me replying to that prompt on this page.
i forgot what the brand is but there's this one that is really really really really nice. but most of them are pretty good as long as they give you actual chocolate unlike some brands.
w/o mayo
they bribe the judges
i'm glad you enjoy it, it was a very important stepping stone for me to allow myself to make mistakes in my art, because projects after it would make less mistakes.
zero at the moment, usually 1
so this and the projects before is hard to know because i never logged time like i did like i do now, well i have some time logs but they were for songs before mayday.
i know i worked on 18 right after mayday and balancing with high school life i finished it right near the start of april. no estimate for you
probably much longer than it should have. this was from december to february and in general i felt like this had way more going on. song had so many wild things and weird things i just powered through.
if i HAD to estimate i think 18 and mayday were both over the 70hr mark for total production time
probably within one day. thursday videos here were very fast turnaround and focused more on learning how to put audio together without having real audio software. i kind of want to try these kinds of videos again but with vocals and a real set of audio tools, i tried once already.
what's tedo
most is a very strong word but lex everett
just another balance patch
yes but also many other people
obviously aaaaaaaaa
generative ai is really interesting and something i want to start using really soon because i have a lot of ideas on how i could apply it to my video making. i've already been messing with a few of AI tools like stable diffusion and whisper a while ago. these two are cool because i can run them without paying a giant company to run it for me, though there's some crazy tools out there. chatgpt is interesting, but alot of people overhyped it. it is a very interesting idea too and i think it's going to be really cool to see the tech powering bing.
lots of flaws right now in all of them (gpt can't code, sd/dalle still isn't great at alot of art) but it's only gonna get better slowly, and it definetly has applications right now. it might replace alot of jobs, but there will also be alot of new jobs and modified jobs where you know how to use these ai tools.
g is missing (2023) took 20(audio) + 15(video) = 35 hours to make. though my tracking on this time wasn't perfect. i need to get better at tracking my time.
mystery of life (2022) took >10(audio) + 31(video) = >41 hours. saying more than ten because theres no way i only spent 10 hours.
it's snowing (2022, short) the entire production from writing to uploading took 10.5 hours. this was a rush but an effective one.
luna (just realized that videos is not on this site yet, cant link) took 8 hours. another rush, not as effective, but quite a wild ride especially given it's context.
i remember off the top of my head money visual cover took over a hundred hours.
so the takeaway here, which i'm also glad you've brought this up since i haven't looked at it yet myself: videos are being able to be made faster. though i have some trick shots i want to pull with davinci resolve but before we jump into new territory i'm going to be fixing this website up alot.
i will check
because the fearful weather says so
i always loved this line because it can be thought of many different things, even something crazy suggestive, or crazy in the exact opposite way like a huge debate with flamethrowers.
all weathermen and weatherwomen and other weather people go to a giant meeting room. with flamethrowers.
the flamethrower store in preparation of the weather debate all night. it's always been this way and it will never change.
it's that time of the year again.
the video was rushed alot, but i was really busy at that time and so on. i wish i could've really nailed the visuals on the drum solo because looking back at it to me feels like i just threw up a bunch of colors on the screen. not in a good way. but i mean, it's passable.
i also realized there was a bit to the audio which is present in the song, which i fixed in the video. right at the end. so this and many more small adjustments to the music i wish i could make but i couldn't do because the song was already sent off.
though this project has been a huge step up for me in many small ways. i think i'll only get better. i wanna be able to sing even better.
yes. due to an issue with apple music, they are STILL in the process of renaming me from old username to old username. and due to ANOTHER issue, i have not fixed the redirects of the "/spotify" and "/apple-music" pages.
i've been in contact with distrokid / apple support and i forgot who said what but they both said that the name change was not forgotten about and apple just has a really slow queue for name changes and that they will get to it eventually but it might be many months, and this was many months ago.
edit 2025-01-03: no, please download local files. if you pay for apple music, you can add these and icloud will sync them across devices. i've also attached lyric data so it's almost exactly the same experience.
i am working on the music page right now and it will have my 4 "real" tracks but also 13 more instrumental tracks as well as the Phoenix, WRITE! soundtrack.
edit 2025-01-03: i made the music page but killed it in the new site. give me some more time, and then i will replace this edit with another edit of the new archive music page. unless some intense gender dysphoria hits i will ensure every bit of art i've made since 2018 is on this site.
threaten to turn off all of the lights.
i forgot the answer to this question.
only the popped ones.
neither. i wrote it completely out of order. i switched which letters i mentioned. some of the letters have ties to real people, such as @M_is_Scared. if i wasn't as limited on time i would've made a longer song that went over every letter there was and what they were doing during the situation, maybe that wouldn't fit.
for a measure of how unordered the song is, i think the last line i wrote was the end of the first chorus: "when will the search end so we can go bring them home"
i said i knew what i was doing but im still really confused on what the best sofware is.
if youre looking to get into stuff, you gotta checkout blender. if you want to know what i am using just to know, for the past few videos ive used a mix of blackmagic fusion, davinci resolve, blender, and custom software to automate pieces of it. i didn't use davinci resolve on mystery of life, and only used it for converting a png sequence on g is missing, but i think i'm going to start using it more in future videos. i used to be not so comfortable recommending my software but i know these two programs are really big and the free version of resolve is free, which has a (albeit lame) version of fusion built in. so you can try it and see if you love it. if you are a really big user of it, consider the one time $300 upgrade; i can say its worth it.
also in some future projects i want to use stable diffusion and some really weird image / video tricks that i haven't actually made yet. please ask this question again after my next few videos go out.
for music i use bitwig studio but you gotta remember that what daw you use really doesnt matter. however, bitwig has some fun built in presets, where if you pick up something like reaper you got to find samples and plugins elsewhere to do anything. i might switch to reaper in the future because its more scriptable than bitwig (not more but IS while the other one IS NOT).
overall, do know that there's more than one way to make art. that's what makes art art. don't copy what i have, or worse, BLINDLY BUY STUFF.